Tinfoil continued
As the 5Gs will come at all of us, without any health warnings from the communications industry or our government, people who are feeling it are coming forward to warn us about how to avoid or cope with it.
The author of the Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, Nick Pineault, is a journalist who has attracted a favored rating with Dr Mercola. He was also a speaker at the week-long online Body Electric Summit last fall with Dr D Klinghardt and his group.
This book is not for the engineer to read, nor is it a political expose about the communication industry. Here are some of his major points:
*Keep your cell phone away from your head, breast pocket (heart), and pants pocket (groin).
*Keep a crib monitor out of the crib. Better yet, how about just trash it?
*Don’t put the head of the bed up against a wall with lots of wiring or the circuit breaker on the other side.
*Don’t sit the laptop directly on your lap/ on legs in crosslegged position. (I see this all the time.)
*Don’t charge your cell phone by your head, especially when sleeping.
*Try not to use the phone while in the car; read also: “EMFs in the car”.
See entries: “Hunt” 12/31/19, “Green Bank” 1/14/19, “Tinfoil” 2/8/20, “My Old House” 9/30/19.