Plants and critters
Virginia Co-operative Extension free advice about plants and “critters” on your property. My personal experience is asking about bees in my house’s overhang. The state office put me in touch with a beekeeper. After I described the bees he reassured me they were not the kind who were interested in stinging folks. Years ago my elderly mom sat outside for hours daily – never got a sting.
Virginia Native Plant Society will have a plant sale on May 14 in the Botanical Garden off Centerville Road. I plan to get better educated about what to plant in my yard. But not everyone has the bold “critters” (as my husband refers to them) stomping and eating through it.
Read MoreWater
I’ve written about water before, see October 3, 2020. Here’s an additional angle to look at. Use the zip code here at: to see what’s in the tap water. Online participation is possible through this website. The Environmental Working Group is a large group to join to change the toxic environment we’re in.
Read MoreToothbrush photo

This is the ad presented in Virginia Sierra Club newsletters in 2001& or 2002. Right side up of course!
This ad mentions the MERCURY vapor coming from dental fillings destroys the immune system. This is a factor, then, as folks want to regain health after COVID time or boost immune system against future parasites.
If you decide to get mercury silver fillings replaced be sure to get protected from the vapor as the fillings are drilled out. Holistic/IAOMT/IABDM dentists are removing them.
See also February entries.
Read MoreUpdate
Legislative update from Sierra Club. In summary this state’s rules and regulations are going in the wrong direction to have cleaner air, water, etc. Check out the Virginia chapter of the Sierra Club for local information and contacts. Over 19,000 members in Virginia.
Opportunities for activism online.
Read MoreI wonder
I wonder which year Earth Day will include education about wi-fi. I’m not writing this sitting at the worst-for-health technology, Bluetooth. But 2 young lady environmental activists delivered signs to my door and mentioned that “everything that’s coming out is Blue Tooth”. 🥴
They need to get some downtime from the electronic world.
Nowadays there are free online summits about dangers of EMFs. See also entries for January of this year.
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