
There are various holistic health summits offered free online.  Last month I listened to some segments on the “Brain Immune Gut” summit.  They are addressing chronic disease looking at toxic exposures.  Such practitioners talk about the onslaught of toxins in our current culture.

Toxic metals, pesticides, and products in our homes are included.  Toxic teeth also.

Another “Holistic Oral Summit” was offered online in January.  I learned It’s a good move to remove wisdom teeth.  But the standard American Dental Association’s way of going about that is not for the most part helping folks “stay healthy”.  To my knowledge several dental surgeons in this town were removing teeth many years ago thinking about what these holistic dentists are saying.  No big sign outside.

I learned that Hippocrates (c375 – 460 BCE), the Father Of Medicine helped some folks’ medical conditions by removing teeth.  My mother had many teeth removed before she was 40.  She complained her teeth were making her sick.  But today’s American Dental Association’s standards for dentistry are not acknowledging that at all.  The groups of dentists

and others participating in “holistic oral summits” talk about mouth issues connected to chronic illness.  This last summit described some of the American Dental Association’s $$ corrupt methods $$ of covering up this fact.  (This is not to indicate your dentist is corrupt.)