Shiva continues

Dr Vendana Shiva owns a biodiverse farm in the state of Uttarakhand, India.  They have many kinds of seeds of olden times.  There was so much more nutritious variety of food to eat before big business started to change it.  Her farm is a center for organic farming and much more.  Working there (which attracts students from around the world) may earn one some college credit.  Rights of organic farmers and how to keep such a farm despite the the lure of quicker money from big food corporations are other topics.

Uttarakhand is one of 11 states in India now outlawing these big corporations to come in with a genetically modified idea.

Her farm, Navdanya, also hosts some guests.  I did actually stay there.  It’ s very nice if you like rustic!  This state draws visitors for its natural beauty, yoga and Ayurvedic classes, and religious significance. Quite successful and growing.  Nice place to stay if you like rustic!  Opportunities to get college credit for working there with others from around the world. Uttarakhand has much natural beauty and also religious significance.

See also “Wild” 1/28/20 entry.