Local natural world

For someone coming from the city, like me,  it may be comforting to understand something about the “critters”, as my Virginia husband refers to them.  A few bats (we never  see them) live in and old pipe in our yard for part of the year and return the next year.  Their function is to pollinate plants, disperse seeds, and gobble up mosquitos.

The bees visit our yard for part of some years.    They may burrow in some wood or work in some bushes.  I’ve checked with Virginia Cooperative Extension to learn the kinds that come are not interested in stinging.   Bees pollinate flowers and vegetables.  And according to the natural health folks, honey made from local bee keepers boosts the immune system.

This year the owls are really chatting loudly late at night.  With fewer trees from all the development their population is dwindling in this country.  In some cultures there’s a lot of superstition surrounding them.  but really they are our friends – eating rats and other rodents that damage homes, barns, and other buildings.  We  needn’t be afraid to hear them.  We should not try to feed them – that’s when they may turn on us.