
Not the one with the blanket.  Linus Pauling (1901-1994) was a chemist, biochemist, chemical engineer, winner of 2 Nobel prizes, founder of the orthomolecular medical group, and much more.  He discovered the power of vitamin C and took a lot more of it for himself daily than the medical mainstream could ever begin to accept.  

I first learned about it being used to help to rid our bodies toxic metals in a DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions) newsletter (entry 1/23/21).  Detoxing folks may get Vitamin C in IVs for example, although no one ever offered me any😗 in this “burg”.

His popular books, Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu (1976) and How to Live Longer  and Stay Well (1987) written when  he was 85, continue to be read.

Although no one seems to be talking about nutrition to boost the immune system, holistically oriented patients are increasing their dose at this time.