Earth Day 2020

For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Wednesday April 22, it will need to be virtual. ECOWATCH online will show the famous picture of our planet from space (1970) for 24 hours on the 22nd. They have suggestions for at-home activities: doing a plastic audit at home, working with arts and crafts ( which I see kids doing outside), try out a new recipe, begin using one of the books I’ve mentioned throughout my blog to make some lifestyle change(s).

This year’s theme is “climate change”. As near as Charles City County some 7,000 residents are organizing to oppose the plan for a natural gas plant on a site of more than 200 acres. They plan to do fracking, releasing many horrible chemicals into the air and water. They plan to use some of James City County’s water.

I will miss participating in personal interactions at some Earth Day event.

Update 1/1/20 about Charles City County: Residents fussed enough to stop the fracking plan.