Earthing reconnects us to the planet
Just by wearing rubber-soled shoes, people in modern societies have inadvertently lost the contact of bare feet with the earth and its generous supply of electrons. That supply of electrons, provided when the bare foot touches the earth, is perhaps needed more than ever today as our electronic gadgets such as TV, computers and air conditioners, leave us with a net positive charge.
By using an electrical wire to connect our sleeping bodies to the “grounded” soil of the earth outside or simply walking barefoot whenever we can, we can receive a flow of negatively charged electrons that will cancel out the excess positive charge that we so often have. A scientific investigation found that earthing significantly helps to normalize the levels and daily rhythms of the stress hormone, cortisol.
Many people have experienced benefits of earthing, including a feeling of calm and natural wellness, better, more restful sleep and relief from pain – even the chronic pain of conditions such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Improvements have also been reported in circulatory issues, anxiety, depression, irritability, PMS, hot flashes, and irritable bowel and other GI issues.
For more information visit and (Reprinted with permission from the newsletter of Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions, also appeared in Richmond Natural Awakenings Mar/Apr 2016. Written by Leo Cashman and Linda Cifelli.) with
“It is health that is real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi