5 Gs

First heard “5Gs” from a lady half my age working in a world of electronics.  She had some concern about “it” surrounding her in the future.  She wanted to sample some of the biofield healing I was doing.  She felt this was helpful and she came back for more.  She also wanted to read more and “see something on YouTube”.  I gave her some info and told her how to see on YouTube and also where to take a nearby class.

My first experience of getting a hands-on biofield treatment was in Hampton with the GISA Sanctuary.  I felt a gentle stunning during the 8 minute treatment on the table in a large room.

It was done by 2 people.  I took this and later treatments to mean the electrical damage from my teeth was being healed.  I took some classes to work on myself and others.  Unfortunately this work done at the subatomic level is pushed to the side by the mainstream.

Tomorrow at 4pm EST there is free education at myemfwebinar.com