
Although very nutritious, liver is not easy to find here.  Since the Weston A Price Foundation recommends eating organ meats, we are  trying to include some when we can. Whole Foods in Newport has organic calf’s liver.  But you may need to ask the butcher to cut it for you.  Sometimes the Earth Fare has chicken liver at $2.44 a pound.

Tricks to reducing the taste that many don’t like:

*Marinate it in vinegar for a couple of hours before cooking.

*Mash it in the blender with herbs and spices to make it like a spread
*Roll it in flour, even coconut flour, before sautéing it in oil.

A neighbor said her doctor told her she should eat some liver weekly during her pregnancy.  That was more than 60 years ago.

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For $20

I recently saw a box of nail polish in my neighborhood labelled with 17 toxic ingredients it doesn’t contain.

I guess some corporations are listening to what the and (environmental working group) are wanting to change.

Whatever the ingredients are they are seeping through the nails.  I learned that in the first in 2019.😳

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Not to measure your walking, biking, or running.  Meters to measure EMFs (Electromagnetic frequency), MFs (magnetic frequencies), RFs  (radio waves) and EFs (electrical frequencies).  Now this is all beyond me.  But in the last 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in this electric technology.  All of this together is eroding our health.  All of us can make changes (some don’t cost anything) to reduce our exposure.

Nick Pineault (2/8&12/20)is one person who is on You Tube to explain the basics of these measuring devices.  We were gifted a $35 meter years ago.  Since then several lady friends who have stayed overnight have brought their meter (maybe $179)  They showed me what is going on with electricity in my 1962 house.  The first one showed me which electrical receptacles weren’t grounded and needed to be repaired. Ungrounded receptacles give off electrical signals that are eroding health, even if we can’t feel them.  (9/20/19)

The second friend came and slept in a room that registered green – ok..  She had a great sleep which she hadn’t had in a long time.  (1/14/20)

Now Dominion Energy has come through my neighborhood to put on Smart Meters.  If you don’t have them in your neighborhood, you can call them at 866 566 9472 to send a form to you by snail mail to opt out.  The are “very bad” according to many scientists, doctors, and people trying to recover from exposure.

The meters to use to see what’s going on vary a lot.  Nick Pineault and LLoyd Burrell are both helping to educate about what’s going on.  They’re on YouTube and more.  (2/8&12/20).

We all need to reduce these exposures.  The Federal Communication Commission hasn’t evaluated effects of electricity since 1996!  Nick’s reference here is  from his text.

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Years ago (for more than a year) I made some brownies at Christmas time and gave them as gifts to folks I know like brownies. I chose a gluten-free
mix to match our gluten-free kitchen. Taste wise they liked it.

Then came the year that that package changed its look. Then I began to read the package. I had chosen the product because it had 5 grams less of sugar than the other brands. The new package went along with the same higher amount of sugar as all the others. So much for baking brownies.

Having more time now at home with the lockdown I have seen a recipe used by Allie Mitchell with Julie Mitchell, a local naturopath. I feel sure this is a better treat for those conscious of blood sugar.

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So many ingredients on jars and prices going up. I decided to try to make some. I tried the ones in the Moosewood Cookbook. Getting the thickness to be similar to the store-bought one was the hardest part. It’s the s-l-o-w dribbling of the oil as it’s being whirred around that works well.

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