Giving gifts of membership

Sierra Club. May join for as little as $15. National magazine and a newspaper from the group (now some 20,000 in Virginia). Easy way to participate online for various issues according to your interest. Many chapters in the state, so their fun and educational activities are spread around.

James City County Recreation Center or York Recreation Center. Many activities. Lots of flexibility. Example: I have enjoyed a strip of 10 stubs to let me in to all activities in one room of the JCC Rec Center. Times vary, instructors vary, low fee (if you are a county resident).

Subscriptions to publications:
National Geographic Magazine

Dr OZ magazine, The Good Life (where I learned about very high level of mercury, potent neurotoxin in sushi – see entry, “$neaky$” of 8/16/20*).

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Grateful now

Our new landlady, Dr Kowal, has hired an ozone generator service to destroy all microscopic parasites at our office space. 🌝

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