Nowadays electronics are a necessity for teens. Consider that the Virginia Department of Education has a rule that a high school student must complete one year of a subject totally online to graduate.
But looking at another angle, which the American Academy of Pediatrics (medical doctors) is looking at, teens are living with electronic overload. 95% of them have cell phones. They’re checking them every 15 minutes!
I’m glad to see neighborhood teens coming in my home have mom’s limits.
They can use my iPhone (not up to their heads). I have answered questions about the protecting thigamajigs sticking to my phone.
People who are still developing are more vulnerable to our increasingly powerful technology.
See related, “Old houses”, “Green Bank”, “Tinfoil”, “Tinfoil continued “.
Other men
David Brownstein, MD. I’ve heard him speak on TV about his noticing similar findings he and his patients had – not coinciding with what what he learned in medical school. This all happened in the Great Lakes area. He is now an integrative holistic practitioner who ‘s written paperbacks. He began with one about the thyroid, then added salt, iodine, the adrenals, and more.
Rashid Buttar, DO. Medical doctor whose clinic treats body, mind, and spirit and also heavy metals, movement issues, nutritional deficiencies, and vaccine reactions. His immediate family has not fared well with our conventional medical system.
Alan Greenberg, MD He began noticing similarities between himself and his patients – stemming from mercury (a potent neurotoxin). He made a natural formula to pull this neurotoxin out. But $there$ were objections to his product, so it is no longer available. He participated in the 4 day Mercury Expo here at W&Mhere in 2010 along with the DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) group.
Vincent Speckhardt, MD. Now deceased, he was an oncologist (cancer specialist) who extended the lives and quality of lives of many. The controversial angle of his treatments was the homeopathy (a form of energy medicine) he used to get the better results. He practiced here in Norfolk, Virginia.
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Open to possibility – receiving or working in the energy field. The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine (2010) lists some 10 healing modalities now being studied and used in the USA. Some of these are used on the premises of medical corporations. But they can also be used as stand-alone techniques. There is technology to show positive changes in health after-wards. Distance healing (studied and verified by Norm Shealy MD for example) is quite relevant in the current lock-down time.
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