
The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs is really a great guide
for quality of life in the 21st century!  Before you’re too quick to bypass this topic, let me tell you this book is recommended by Dr Mercola.  The author ,  Nick Pineault, educated folks online last fall with Dr Klinghardt and his group as the Body Electric Summit.

5Gs will be coming and effect all of us.  Some people are feeling the level of electronics here now.  See  “Green Bank” 1/14/20.

So how did I ever get interested in this topic?  A long time ago a dentist measured electricity in my mouth with a small meter probe.  I got a report of the electrical current of each tooth (“oral galvanism “).  I had worn a palate made partially of palladium (maybe the best conductor of electricity) in my mouth for some 14 months along with mercury dental fillings.  Not wearing the palate reduced some symptoms.  After having one of the teeth with a high negative charge (bad news) removed I was able to stand up straight again.  

Later after getting a cordless landline phone at home I felt like like my brain was getting wavy and I couldn’t think.  Done with that, I returned to having a phone with a cord.  Later the cell phone came into use.  But I didn’t get one.  It felt crazier than the cordless line.  Now I have 2 shields ,not 1, on my iPhone to protect me.  I use it on speaker, never next to my ear.   (to be continued)